Technical Requirements
Before coming to our sessions, please do the following:
For Scratch based programs, please create an account at
Install the scratch application here:
For Tinkercad based programs, please create an account at
Please note that this is an involved process that can take a week or so. You will have to upload a signed consent form for a minor.
Laptop guide:
Windows - this is the recommended standard for all our programs. Basically any laptop manufactured within the last few years should be fine. If you're not sure, just bring it and we'll let you know if there are issues. Laptops with better processing speed and more RAM (16gigs or more) will help a lot with memory intensive programs.
Macs - Macbooks will work fine with Scratch and Tinkercad, but please note that we will not be able to guide your child in navigating/using it or support any technical issues.
Linux - Same as Macbooks. They will work with Scratch and Tinkercad, but we will not be supporting them if your child has questions on how to use it.
Chromebooks - while these will technically work with scratch and tinkercad, we do not recommend them because they are usually slow and present a significant performance bottleneck (especially with Tinkercad)
Ipads/Others - technically, scratch and tinkercad require only a web browser, but we really do not recommend tablets since they can be slow and are often more distracting than helpful. If you have questions, you can always reach out to us and ask.
No Laptop? - if you have been accepted to participate, but do not have a laptop, please contact us as we may be able to provide you with one during the session. This would be a temporary solution and you should plan on purchasing a laptop for your child if they plan on continuing the course.